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Amplifier Eden Terra Nova TN2252 thích hợp cho các buổi tổng duyệt cũng như có output DI dành khi bạn cần sử dụng để trình diễn trước công chúng.
Model: TN2252
Series: Terra Nova Series
Output Wattage: 225W
Outputs: 1 X Neutrik Output, 2 X 1/4" Outputs, DI Output W/ Level Control; Ground Lift And Pre/Post Selection, 1 X Headphone Output, 1 X Tuner Output, 1 x Line/MP3
Inputs: 2 X 1/4" Jack (High And Low) Instrument Inputs, 1 X Aux In, 1 X Footswitch
Controls: Input Gain Level Control, 4-Band EQ Circuit With Semi-Parametric Mid Controls, Compressor With On/Off Control, Bass Boost, Enhance EQ Sweep, Master Volume Control, Mute Switch
Effects Loop: 1/4" Jack Send And Return